Thursday 23 September 2010

The Bucket List

For those who haven't seen the film (if that's you, you're missing out - Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman make quite the team), the idea is that this is a list of things I want to do before I kick the bucket. No doubt there's still plenty of stuff I'd like to add to this, but here's a start.....

1. Go to Disneyland, at least three more times

2. Visit Hawaii

3. Go to the Natural History Museum, and see the dinosaur skeletons

4. Own a green Lotus Elise

5. Sing in front of people at least one more time

6. Get a first class degree

7. Visit Japan

8. Get tattooed by Kat Von D

9. Walk the whole of the Great Wall of China

10. Get married

11. Learn another language

12. Go to Australia and hold a koala bear

13. Make a scrapbook

14. Learn to play at least one piece by Ludovico Einaudi

15. Change someone's life for the better

16. Read Lord of the Rings all the way through

17. Swim with dolphins

18. Own a pet snake, and call him Napoleon II, in memory of my Dad's childhood pet, Napoleon Tadpoleon Bone-in-parts (may he rest in peace)

19. Solve a Rubix cube

20. Watch the sun rise with someone I love


  1. I like your list. And it's actually things that you could do. Whenever I make one of these, it becomes a list of totally impractical things that will probably get me locked up.
